Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Compromise Does Not Mean Defeat


"You gd old senile bxxxh. You’re as old and ugly as Biden. You ought to get the fuck off the planet. You fucking foul bitch…. They ought to fxxxing try you for treason, bitch... ...You and every one of your scumbag fxxxing friends… I hope your family dies in front of you. I pray to God, if you’ve got any children, they die in your face." ~ This was a message left on Representative Debbie Dingell's (MI-D) voice mail system.

In 1887, our independence had been won and it was time to design a functional government.  Our founding fathers shuttered the windows, so no one could see the proverbial sausage being made, and they debated.  They debated and debated until it came down to two plans, James Madison's Virginia Plan and William Paterson's New Jersey Plan. 

In simplest terms, Madison's plan based legislative representation on the population of a state, whereas Paterson's plan called for equal legislative representation regardless of a state's population size.  After weeks of ferocious debate and compromise, we were given a House of Representatives based on the population of each state and a Senate consisting of two Senators from each state regardless of a state's population size. 

They debated the issues until they found a compromise everyone could live with.  We seem to have lost the ability to come together as Americans and iron out solutions to common problems.  Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has labeled himself "The Grim Reaper," vowing to thwart all Democratic proposals, according to CBS News.  The content of a particular bill, or how that content would help the American people, doesn't matter.  Senator McConnell will lead a full court press against ANY bill proposed by Democrats. 

I'm not sure when it happened, we've gone from being fellow Americans working together for a better future to being us versus them.  "We" are the good guys.  Anyone who doesn't with "us" are the bad guys.  Both camps have adopted this mind set to the point where compromise has become equated with defeat, rather than progress. 

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