Saturday, December 6, 2014

I Don't Wanna Grow Up

This week I watched NBC’s live presentation of J.M. Barrie’s classic tale, Peter Pan. Sadly, I cringed every time a character stepped across a “body of water” on the cartoonishly

Photo courtesy of Amazon's Affiliate Program.
painted set, and scoffed at the silliness of a poison cake. Every time Christopher Walken, as Captain Hook, ordered someone to walk the plank, I pictured him helping Robert Wagner give a similar sentence to Natalie Wood in 1981.

I was mid eye roll when I caught myself being hyper critical of the play. It was SUPPOSED to be a cartoon-esc fantasy for children, and I was knocking it for being what it was supposed to be. I was acting like a closed minded……. well, like a closed minded grownup.

I remember thinking, “I’m not like this, when did I get old?” Considering that fact that my home office looks like the inside of a comic book shop, my cantankerous reaction to the expertly choreographed and performed presentation was baffling. Then, I watched the NEWS.

Reports of; anti-police protests, ISIS perpetrated violence, and people stealing UPS delivered Christmas presents from porches; flickered across the screen. I realized I’d allowed such stories to rob my spirit of some of my youth. I’d allowed being informed to make me jaded.

Perhaps, I should take a lesson from Peter. Sure, we need to be responsible, but maybe there’s room for the magic, especially during this time year. Perhaps, if more of us believed in fairies, and embraced a bit of silliness, we wouldn’t be putting people in illegal choke holds and stealing packages from porches.

Do you believe in fairies?